Brutal Asia Discount

When it comes to hardcore Asian porn, it doesn’t get much better than Brutal Asia. They offer their members a wide selection of hardcore erotica featuring such talented Asian porn stars as Kaiya Lynn, and Katsuni. Not only are these babes hot as heck but they’re always up for some rough, no holds barred sex. One of the most recent Brutal Asia updates features a petite Asian beauty by the name of Lana Croft. Her co-stars are a couple of well-endowed black dudes who delight in stuffing her tight holes with their massive poles. If you subscribe to Brutal Asia today with this deal you’ll save up to 50% off the regular price plus you’ll unlock access to Lana’s must-see scene. Once inside the member’s area you can choose from a wide range of HD videos which are loaded with hardcore anal sex, interracial sex, double penetration, creampies, facials, and more. You’ll also receive bonus access to 4+ sites which are loaded with hardcore Asian action.
Brutal Asia is regularly billed at a rate of $29.95 per month however with this deal you can lower your monthly fee to just $19.95. That’s a decent discount of $10.00 per month. They also offer a 6-month membership plan for $89.95 which averages out to $14.99 per month. That’s 50% off the regular monthly price and a savings of just under $90.00 per 6 months.