Ed Powers Discount

Ed Power’s official adult site has to be one of the largest archives of casting porn videos featuring real amateurs available anywhere online. Presently his vast archive consists of 900+ videos which are available to stream or download with a single membership. Each of these audition videos has a runtime of 30 to 60 minutes in length which easily makes this one of the biggest collections available today. Ed Power’s reign over auditioning new porn starlets has led to several stars being born but most of the girls were never seen again. That means that a lot of these 18 and 19 year old amateur babes are simply just not available anywhere else online.
The standard price for a membership at Ed Power’s official site is $29.99 per month but if you join today with this deal you can save as much as 47% off this fee. With the purchase of a 1 month membership you save just over $10 and pay only $19.95 for full access for a 30 day period. This plan saves you 34% however it renews at $29.99 the following month if you remain a subscriber. To save on a continual basis you need to select the 6 month membership plan initially for just $99.95 upfront. This plan offers a savings of 47% and lowers the monthly fee to just $15.82/month on average.