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The horny porn stars featured at Pornstars Like It Big crave big cocks, the type that fill them up to their core! If you enjoy watching as a beautiful woman savors a monstrous dick inside her mouth before taking it deep inside either their pussy or ass, or both, you are sure to love what this premium adult site has to offer you as a new member. As of today there are a total of 677 updates available within the Pornstars Like It Big member’s area. Each of these updates consists of a video trailer, full movie, high quality photos, and screen caps. Your membership entitles you the ability to stream entire scenes, in resolutions up to 1080p, as well as download full galleries. For easy access, both the full gallery and screen caps are available to be downloaded by zip file. This is a solid feature considering some of the galleries have as many as 1,000 images within them. As far as updates, Pornstars Like It Big is updated on a highly sporadic basis. Normally there is at least 1 new update added per week, but some weeks feature as many as 3. In addition to the regular updates and 677 existing scenes that you gain unrestricted access to, your membership comes with full access to the Brazzers network of sites which are 100% exclusive. These bonus sites feature thousands of extra scenes for you to access at no additional charge.
The monthly membership fee of $32.99 at Pornstars Like It Big is a solid value, but our discount allows you to subscribe at up to 70% off. The first option available to you is a monthly plan for just $17.99, a savings of $15.00. With this plan you lock in your rate on a continual basis which is a 45% savings for life. To save an additional 15%, and lower your monthly fee to just $10.00, you have to purchase the yearlong plan. Normally a year of membership would cost you as much as $395.88 but with this deal you pay just $119.00 upfront, a savings of 70%.